Saturday 5 March 2022

Social media can build or destroy, it depends on who is behind the screen.

 Social media can make things easy or difficult for the Public relations

professional in addressing #SayNoToXenophobia. #SayNoToXenophobia

was formed in 2015 at time where South Africans were brutally attacking,

torturing and killing foreign nationals. Read more about it here or

Advantages of PR professionals using Social media on #SayNoToXenophobia.

The PR professional uses social media to bring awareness and spread the

word about the campaign. Social media gives the PR professional the opportunity to inform the Public about the campaign anytime and any day.

Social media is easily accessible for the PR professional to work on content

for the campaign. The professional can use social media to engage on

#SayNoToXenophobia with the audience. Social media is a quick way to get

noticed, it also helps the campaign gain a loyal and committed support

system. A loyal support system can tell the story of campaign to people who

do not know about it.

Disadvantages of PR professionals using social media on #SayNoToXenophobia.

Just like everything in the world, using social media on campaigns has its

own disadvantages. Fake news about #SayNoToXenophobia can spread

quickly, and it won’t be easy to control the damage which may cause the risk

of the campaign getting cancelled. There can be negative feedback. There

can be things that leak about the campaign that are confidential. Some

people may not have a clear understanding of the content the PR person is



I believe honesty is the best policy. PR professionals should be honest when

creating content for #SayNoToXenophobia so that there is no confusion.

The content created should not be offensive to anybody. The PR

professional should try to reciprocal. If an audience writes a comment about

the campaign, the PR person must reply. They must also be very

transparent. They must also know their target  audience, know who is likely to value #SayNoToXenophobia. 


  1. "The content created should not be offensive to anybody." This is one of the best recommendations ever. People should be able to communicate without being offensive or anything.
    Amazing blog post, well written.

  2. I agree with your recommendation that honesty is the best policy. I believe it is within us to be honest and very ethically so.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with you that public relations professional should be transparent, as the public deserves to know everything happening without hiding any facts.


  5. This was such an amazing blog, very educational and well written. "The PR professional try to be reciprocal", I totally I agree with this statement because the PR professional should be able to return the gesture, by engaging with the public through their comments.

  6. A very exquisite blog this is. I like the part you mentioned about Transparency, reason being, transparency is very vital in doing things.

  7. Wow very interesting. I can agree with all your points especially regarding knowing how to target their audience.

  8. Well written. Loved how it is straight forward and short.


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