Tuesday 25 April 2023

The Two sides to PR: Ethical and Unethical

There is power in the use of PR and communications, you get to choose how you want to use that power. When used ethically, PR can be an effective tool for promoting brands, products, and services. However, the unethical use of PR can lead to negative consequences for both the organization and society as a whole. 

Unethical use of PR can include tactics such as false advertising, deceptive messaging, and manipulating public opinion. These practices not only harm the credibility of the organization but can also have a negative impact on the public's trust in the media and government. In contrast, ethical PR practices are transparent and honest, respecting the public's right to know and make informed decisions.

picture from:https://pin.it/133Hsze

One example of unethical PR was the Cambridge Analytica scandal. In 2018, it was revealed that the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica had harvested the data of millions of Facebook users without their consent to create psychological profiles of voters. The firm used this data to target political advertisements during the 2016 US presidential election. The scandal revealed the unethical use of PR tactics to manipulate public opinion and infringe on individual privacy.

On the other hand, ethical PR can have positive effects on society. The Ice Bucket Challenge is an example of an ethical PR campaign that went viral for a good cause. The challenge involved people dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads and challenging others to do the same to raise awareness and funds for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) research. The campaign was successful in raising over $115 million and increased public awareness of the disease.

Another example of ethical PR is the Dove Real Beauty campaign. The campaign aimed to challenge beauty stereotypes and celebrate diversity by featuring real women of different ages, races, and sizes in their advertising. The campaign was successful in creating a positive impact and increasing brand loyalty by resonating with consumers who value authenticity and diversity.

In conclusion, PR can be used ethically or unethically depending on the organization's intentions and actions. Ethical PR practices prioritize transparency, honesty, and respect for the public's right to know, while unethical practices can harm individuals, society, and the credibility of the organization. It is important for organizations to use PR responsibly and consider the potential consequences of their actions on the public and the wider society.

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